Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tips for Buying a New Cricket Bat

When it comes to buying a new cricket bat there are a whole of factors that you need to address before production your final decision to purchase a new cricket bat, such as:

- The brand,

Stand Bags Golf

- The size,

Tips for Buying a New Cricket Bat

- The model,

- The weight,

...these are just a few factors to consider.

This description will look briefly at a few tips to follow when it comes to replacing your old favourite bat with a new cricket bat.

Choosing a cricket bat based on its brand in fact comes down to personally preference, as realistically there is not much major incompatibility in the middle of brands. They all have cricket bats with similar attributes and features; it is the incompatibility in the middle of models that I would pay closer attentiveness too, not the brand name. Any way it is worth mentioning that some of the new Kookaburra cricket bat models are almost unique, as some are now reinforced with a new graphite matrix, giving "maximum power exchange and increased strength".

When buying a new cricket bat, considered pick the model of cricket bat that most suitably fits your style of play. As some bats are designed specifically clear styles in mind, for example the Kookaburra Big Kahuna, is designed for strong, 'big hitters'. Whereas the Kookaburra Kahuna Ricky Ponting cricket bat is an exquisite choice for a stroke player who likes to hit boundaries.

It is very important when buying a new cricket bat to choose the precise size bat. As a bat that is too large or too small will only hinder your playing ability. I've found the best way to settle if a bat is of the right size, is to stand in your batting stance and rest the toe of the bat against the surface of your back foot, lean the cricket bat so that the top of the handle rests next to the inside groin of your front leg. If the bat is of the right size it should rest conveniently next to your box on the inside groin of your front leg.

The weight of a cricket bat is probably most important and you should choose a lighter bat where possible. A lot of players make the mistake of buying a bat which is too heavy and their carrying out suffers as a result, this is especially applicable to younger players who are often lulled into buying bats which are either to heavy or too big. As an adult I tend to choose a weight of around 2' 8 - 2' 10 oz, in a short handle (Sh).

You should also take into account to grade and type of the willow of the cricket bat. Most bats are made from English Willow, which is a soft fibrous wood, with good astonishing qualities and is the best option. There is also Kashmir Willow, which is cheaper, harder and quite durable. It is often used in junior bats and produces less ball astonishing satisfaction. All the time choose English Willow given the option.

Cricket bat willow is graded on a scale from G1+ to G4. A willow grade of G1+ is the highest grade and is used by the top professionals, it is the best willow and is unbleached with right even grains and no markings or discolouration. It's more costly but as All the time you get what you pay for!

Grade 4 (G4) willow is often non-oil and will normally have a surface on the face, such as an anti-scuff covering. It is the bottom grade of willow, which is represented in the price. If you have the money All the time opt for the highest grade willow you can afford.

You can now buy cricket bats online cheaper than you can offline, as online stores tend to have fewer costs associated with their businesses and so can offer cheaper prices and discounts. Also most offer guarantees on their bats so you can return it if the size or weight is not quite what you want. A sneaky tip; if you see a new bat you like go to your local store, check the size, weight, feel and pickup, then buy online, so you'll get exactly what you want and save money in the process.

These are just a few ideas and tips I think when buying a new cricket bat, most important are the bats size, weight and feel. Obviously the price is an important factor, but by buying online you can often save money.

Tips for Buying a New Cricket Bat